The SVA Archives, located in the SVA Library, is unique resource to study the history of SVA, from its subway poster campaign, to its groundbreaking exhibitions by professional and student artists, to the incredible faculty and programs dating back its founding in 1947. Materials in the SVA Archives collections include posters, announcements, departmental and student publications, photographs, and other printed ephemera and artifacts, dating back to its founding in 1947.
The Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives, located in the SVA Library, is a unique resource to study the work of the great designers, illustrators and art directors who’ve taught and studied at SVA. Our collections allow you to examine the design process, from conception to completion, through original sketches, artwork, and photographs, as well as the final posters and publications, from more than twenty (and counting) designers and artists.
The Archives are open to everyone; all you need to do is make an appointment.