Arts-Based Research: Home
What is arts-based research?
Welcome to the SVA Library Research Guide on Arts-Based Research! We hope it serves as a starting point for your study of this practice. If you are interested in more specific areas of this topic and would like help taking your research further, you can schedule a one-on-one appointment to speak with a librarian here: https://sva.libcal.com/appointments.
Janinka Greenwood, in their article for the The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, summarizes Arts-based research as "encompass[ing] a range of research approaches and strategies that utilize one or more of the arts in investigation. Such approaches have evolved from understandings that life and experiences of the world are multifaceted, and that art offers ways of knowing the world that involve sensory perceptions and emotion as well as intellectual responses". The entire open access entry, which provides a detailed overview of the field, including a list of further readings, can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1093/
"Arts-based research" is just one of many terms used to identify these practices, which can vary by country, the personal preference of a practitioner, or the time of publication. When conducting your research, you can also try terms like:
- art-informed research
- practice-based research
- practice-led research
- arts-based education research
- research creation
- artistic research
In this video below, Arts-Based Research: Definition, Procedures & Application, Dr. Patricia Leavy gives an introduction and overview of art-based research.
Art - Ethics - Education by
ISBN: 9789004430709Artist-Teachers in Context: International Dialogues by
ISBN: 9463006311Imagining Dewey: Artful Works and Dialogue About Art as Experience by
ISBN: 9789004392892Joseph Beuys and the Artistic Education by
ISBN: 9789004424548Also available online as an Ebook - just click the title to access.On Mutant Pedagogies by
ISBN: 9463007423Also available online as an Ebook - just click the title to access.Unfolding Afterglow: Letters and Conversations on Teacher Renewal by
ISBN: 9463005307
Arts Based Research by
ISBN: 9781452223957Arts-Based Research by
ISBN: 9789462091832Knowing Differently by
ISBN: 9781604563788Research in Art and Design Education by
ISBN: 9781841501994The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts by
ISBN: 9780415581691Artistic Research in Music by
ISBN: 9789462700901Knowings and Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation by
ISBN: 9781772124859How to Make Art at the End of the World by
ISBN: 9781478003724Practice-Led Research, Research-led Practice in the Creative Arts by
ISBN: 9780748636280Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research by
ISBN: 9781412905312
Article & Ebook Databases
- Art & Architecture Source This link opens in a new window
Formerly Art Source. Offers broad coverage of art topics, including painting, photography, sculpture advertising art, art history, film, graphic arts, industrial design, interior design archaeology, architecture, decorative arts, folk art, textiles and more. Full text access to over 630 art and design journals with coverage from 1929 to the present.
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
Ebook Central's Academic Complete collection contains over 207,000 multidisciplinary ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access, powerful research tools and DRM-free chapter downloads.
- ERIC This link opens in a new window
ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center database of the U.S. Department of Education, contains citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals, as well as full text of more than 2,200 digests.
- ProQuest Central Ejournals This link opens in a new window
ProQuest Central contains ~30,000 journals across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, plus thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.
Other Resources
- Society for Artistic ResearchSAR publishes the Journal for Artistic Research (open access), runs the Research Catalogue, a searchable repository of artistic research, to which anyone can contribute once they have registered (cost free), and hosts the annual International Conference on Artistic Research.
- EARN: European Artistic Research NetworkThe European Artistic Research Network was established to share and exchange knowledge and experience in artistic research; foster mobility, exchange and dialogue among artist researchers; promote wider dissemination of artistic research; and enable international connectivity and exchange for artistic research.
- Are We Asking the Wrong Questions in Arts-Based Research?ÓDonoghue, D. (2009). Are We Asking the Wrong Questions in Arts-Based Research? Studies in Art Education, 50(4), 352–368.
- Art-Based Research / Research-Based Art On Wonder and RigourEmme, M. J. (2007). Art-Based Research / Research-Based Art On Wonder and Rigour. Canadian Review of Art Education: Research & Issues, 34(1), 1–7.
- Creative space for navigating complex times: Using art-based inquiry to respond to uncertainty during COVID-19Becker, K. M., Clark, K. K., & White, E. (2022). Creative space for navigating complex times: Using art-based inquiry to respond to uncertainty during COVID-19. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 13(1), 45–60.
- Interactive fictional dialogue games as arts-based researchLiao, C. (2017). Interactive fictional dialogue games as arts-based research. Visual Arts Research, 43(1), 36+.
- Opening Thirdspace: Cultivating critical geographies in art teacher educationBertling, J. G. (2021). Opening Thirdspace: Cultivating critical geographies in art teacher education. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 10(1), 107–126.
- A Paradigm Analysis of Arts-Based Research and Implications for EducationRolling, J. H., Jr. (2010). A Paradigm Analysis of Arts-Based Research and Implications for Education. Studies in Art Education, 51(2), 102–114.
- Re-Presenting And Representing With Seven Features: Guiding An Arts-Based Educational JourneyLudecke, M. (2016). Re-Presenting And Representing With Seven Features: Guiding An Arts-Based Educational Journey. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 17(24–27), 1–17.
- Research Acts in Art PracticeSullivan, G. (2006). Research Acts in Art Practice. Studies in Art Education, 48(1), 19–35.
- Rethinking Arts-Based Research Methods in Education: Enhanced Participant Engagement Processes to Increase Research Credibility and Knowledge TranslationJulia Elizabeth Morris & Lisa Francesca Paris (2022) Rethinking arts-based research methods in education: enhanced participant engagement processes to increase research credibility and knowledge translation, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 45(1), 99-112.
- Zine Objects and Orientations in/as Arts Research: Documenting Art Teacher Practices and Identities Through Zine Creation, Collection, and CriticismWeida, C. L. (2020). Zine Objects and Orientations in/as Arts Research: Documenting Art Teacher Practices and Identities Through Zine Creation, Collection, and Criticism. Studies in Art Education, 61(3), 267–281.