Visual Resources: Home
The VRC is staffed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am - 5pm. I can be contacted remotely by email (lgerety@sva.edu) on Wednesdays.
The collection includes over 73,000 local digital records through our in-house image database, SVA Image Library, which is now accessed as an Institutional Collection in JSTOR images.
VRC staff offers a variety of services to the SVA community, including maintenance of our online collection of images as well as training and technical support for JSTOR images. We also provide information on scanning and storing images.
One-on-one instruction for the use of our image databases is available by contacting Lorraine Gerety (lgerety@sva.edu, 212-592-2667).
- Artstor on JSTOR This link opens in a new window
**Artstor has moved to the JSTOR platform as of August 1, 2024** Documents artistic traditions across many time periods and cultures including architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, and design. Digital images come from museums, archaeological teams, photo archives, slide collections, and art reference publishers. The collection is over 2+ million images. Users must create a personal account.
- ARTstor - Getting StartedHelpful links, tutorials and information on how to navigate ARTstor.
- ARTstor on JSTORinformation on how to access images in JSTOR
Below are a few research guides on Copyright Basics:
The following are some great Use Assessment Tools pertaining to copyright, fair use guidelines and best practices:
- Digital Image Rights Computator (DIRC)Program that assists users in assessing the intellectual property status of a specific image.
- The Copyright GenieHelps users figure out if a work is covered by U.S. copyright and at what level; additionally, it collects and publishes the results as a PDF document for users to save for their records.
- Digital Copyright SliderA tool to help users determine whether a work is still copyrighted or whether it is now in public domain.
- Fair Use EvaluatorGives users a better understanding of how to determine if the use of a protected work is "fair." It also helps users organize and documents their collected information that may be needed to support a fair use claim, providing a time-stamped PDF document for the user's records.
Click here to visit Colgate University's helpful examples of how to create correct image citations in papers and presentations, using MLA, Chicago and APA writing styles. Another great option is the Research Guide for Citing Images provided by UC Libraries.
Reclaiming Fair Use by
Call Number: KF3020 .A984 2011ISBN: 9780226032276Publication Date: 2011-08-15Copyright and cultural Institutions by
Call Number: KF2996 .H57 2009ISBN: 9780935995107Publication Date: 2009-01-01The Law of Libraries and Archives by
Call Number: KF4315 .C37 2007ISBN: 9780810851894Publication Date: 2006-12-07