Please note that resources in subscription databases may be accessed from anywhere by current SVA students, faculty and staff. Alumni have onsite access at the Main SVA Library, and CE students do not have access.
Flipster is a web and app solution for reading complete digital surrogates of magazines. The SVA Library subscribes to 25 current titles in Flipster: 3D World, American Craft, Animation, Aperture, ArtAsiaPacific, Art in America, Artforum International, The Atlantic, Bon Appetit, Ceramics: Art & Perception, Communication Arts, Cuartoscuro, Diva, Edge, Elle, Frame, ImagineFX, Juxtapoz, National Geographic, New American Paintings, New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, Poets and Writers, Rolling Stone, Thrasher.
A web and app solution for complete digital magazine archives, including Aesthetica, AnOther, Another Man, Art Monthly, Cineaste, Cover, Creative Review, Dazed, Foam, and Sight & Sound.
Thousands of original underground comics as well as articles, interviews and reviews from The Comics Journal.
Register with your SVA email address to receive full access to the NYTimes Online on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop browser.
Search this database for full text access to major national newspapers including the New York Times from 1985 to present. Includes over 2,300 full-text newspapers.
A comprehensive, searchable archive of every page, advertisement, and cover of every issue of Harper's Bazaar from its first appearance in 1867 to the current month. Reproduced in high-resolution color page images and supported by fully searchable text and indexing, this resource provides access to a chronicle of 20th century American and international fashion, culture, and society, supporting researchers by offering a cultural lens into the modern era.
Vogue Archive provides full text access to Vogue Magazine from 1892 to the present. Search by photographer, designer and more.