Please note that resources in subscription databases may be accessed from anywhere by current SVA students, faculty and staff. Alumni have onsite access at the Main SVA Library, and CE students do not have access.
Ebook Central's Academic Complete collection contains over 207,000 multidisciplinary ebooks with unlimited, multi-user access, powerful research tools and DRM-free chapter downloads.
The A&AePortal platform features authoritative scholarship in the history of art, architecture, decorative arts, photography, and design, and also provides invaluable content in related disciplines, such as African American studies, religious studies, women’s studies, environmental studies, and visual culture. It contains 300 titles across 25 subject areas and 60,000 associated images.
ACLS Humanities E-Book is an online, fully searchable collection of over 5,500 books of high quality in the humanities and related social sciences. Users may also access online book reviews from the major journals.
This is a DRM-free collection of thousands of Open Access ebooks from university presses and scholarly publishers including University of Michigan Press, Taylor & Francis and Temple University Press.
Library Stack is a database and archive of digital arts publications, including ebooks, PDFs, apps, music and video from the fields of contemporary art, critical theory, political science, sociology, architecture, urbanism, graphic design and film studies. It has a particular focus on hybrid works: experimental podcasts, custom type-faces, exhibitions bundled into .zip folders, serial journals, collaborative scholarship initiatives and artists’ software.
Cahiers d'Art Institute (formerly Artifex Press) is a publisher of digital catalogues raisonnés. A catalogue raisonné is the definitive, comprehensive, and annotated compilation of all the known works of an artist. Current catalogues include Chuck Close, Jim Dine, Tim Hawkinson, Agnes Martin, Lucas Samaras, James Siena, and Sol Lewitt. Thirteen more catalogues are forthcoming.